If presented with an opportunity to combine top-tier human capacity — the latest technology — to solve the most pressing problems — to elevate humanity —, I'll dive in headfirst.

<aside> 🔮 Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. - Arthur C. Clarke’s 3rd Law


About me

I love magic. In my journey, nothing beats the feeling of serving it to others and making a difference. I love to create and democratize it. Today, I'm all about spreading the word about web3 benefits through OS City.

I'm super passionate about freedom, trust, prosperity, and keeping us all connected. I truly believe we're on the cusp of something big, where we can lift each other up by changing the way we connect and do business.

I believe blockchain networks are at the forefront of that revolution, creating a world where privacy is protected and everyone has a shot at success. I find it interesting how they mirror mycelium’s exchange of nutrients and information in a decentralized way: nature at its best.

When it comes to my work, I stick to five basic rules:

  1. Always respect human dignity.
  2. Serve towards the greater good.
  3. Be a creator, not a competitor.
  4. Be a trustee of younger generations.
  5. Cultivate gratitude and inspiration.

Finding a work like that and pay the bills can be tough, but hey, it's worth the effort, right? I believe it’s all about having strong Foundations.


🐦 Twitter https://oscity.notion.site/Chuy-Cepeda-3b9d43e6f197485fbf4c0e53ccaa856a
🔗 LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/chuycepeda/
💌 Email mailto:[email protected]
📝 Substack https://oscity.substack.com/
🌐 Company https://oscity.notion.site/Chuy-Cepeda-3b9d43e6f197485fbf4c0e53ccaa856a

<aside> 📄 A peek into my CV


OS City — making a difference with latest technology

OS city is where I’m paving my way towards digital freedom and socioeconomic prosperity for all.

Think about how easy it is to order food, check the weather, or your bank balance, or chat with loved ones on your phone – quick, seamless, effortless. But when it comes to interacting with the government, things tend to get a bit clunky, essentially because of their approach to digital trust. That's where OS City steps in.

OS City is at the forefront of launching cutting-edge digital government services in Latin America, using blockchain networks, decentralized identity, digital wallets and verifiable credentials.


As we like to believe, OS City is becoming the gateway for the next internet era, onboarding the unboarded into the web3.

<aside> <img src="https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/ce614792-0f3e-43eb-95c9-1e5933469239/4577a949-6681-460b-81b5-b0fa6752886f/iso_polygonal.png" alt="https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/ce614792-0f3e-43eb-95c9-1e5933469239/4577a949-6681-460b-81b5-b0fa6752886f/iso_polygonal.png" width="40px" /> Visit OS City


Foundations — serving others to elevate humanity

Foundations is a meticulously crafted framework designed to guide us on a journey of self-discovery, conscious creation, and elevated living — to build our lives intentionally.

In a world where fear often infiltrates our lives—fear of loss, failure, or disappointment—Foundations stands as a guiding light, urging us to shed these layers of fear, one by one. As we traverse the landscape of our life journey, this framework invites us to introspect, recognize fear-based beliefs, and transmute them into the vibrational frequency of love.

I’ve created this exploratory project that may end up as a book, workshop, course, or all of these. My goal is to draw a simple tool inspired in diverse philosophical and spiritual traditions that helps us to step out of life's autopilot, reclaim our humanity, and think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibrations.

In the end, I believe that the best we can do for the whole world is to make the most of ourselves. To achieve that, we need solid Foundations.

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<aside> 📃 Explore the v0.1 Draft


Additional ways I would love to serve

⚛️ Healing

While I am not an expert in esoteric wisdom, I have a good grasp of energy exchange and memory, whether through quantum, relativity, or etheric perspectives. Feel free to reach out, maybe I can be of help.